
✱ iPhone X: Why "The Notch" Exists
For all the complaints I've heard about "the notch" at the top of the iPhone X screen, I have a thought about why it exists. And yes, there are many ways my premise could have been handled, no doubt. But I think it was an intentional

✱ Happy 30th Birthday Mac - Here's My Story
Today is the day that the Mac turns 30, and it has changed my life. There's a chance it might sound lame to you, or pretentious or whatever, but It really doesn't matter. It's my story. I am and have always been a computer
PSA: If you're buying electronics this month
Be sure to check out Monoprice. This is more of a public service announcement than anything else because I've had great success buying from them. The prices are great and the gear is solid. I first heard about them a few years back when I needed some HDMI
The new Mac Pro
1976-2013. Apple doesn't design for today. They are designing the future.
Phil Schiller at Apple's WWDC:
Can't innovate anymore my ass!
✱ Moving from Aperture to Lightroom
Today I'm starting to go through all of my thousands of photos (seriously - around 10,000 photos from this year alone) from 2012 for our annual year-in-review family slideshow video. Unfortunately, this needs to be done by tomorrow!
This year also marks the year that I switched
early apple computer and tablet designs
There are some amazing stories coming out of Apple these days, and there are some beautiful early designs (as well as some turds) to see in a new book by Hartmut Esslinger, a past designer at Apple who also founded frog design. It's really interested to see that