✱ ARE Hacks – Kindle Preorder NOW!

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The "final" files for the physical version of my book are in the hands of the printer and now I'm waiting for my proof copy to ensure everything is set correctly for printing. Once I receive the proof, I'll scour it for anything that might be a problem. If I don't find any issues, I'll give the printer the go-ahead and the physical copies will be available for ordering online. I'm not exactly sure how long this process is going to take—hopefully just a few days. Please remember, this is my first time doing all this.
Suffice to say as of right now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It feels good to be done writing, editing, proofing, designing, submitting, finding more problems, and resubmitting. Look over there on the right—I even added "author" to my byline. It's official now!
What about the eBook? We do live in the future, after all.
It's true, and because the Kindle submission process is quite a bit more forgiving than the print one, I'm very excited to announce that my book is now available for preorder on Amazon's Kindle store. It's set to be released on the 16th, which is a few days ahead of the print version. Click the "Buy on Amazon" button to preorder your copy today, and it will be digitally (and magically) delivered to your Kindle app and device of choice on the 16th.
I'll also have a very special announcement very soon to go along with the book launch, so stay tuned!