Link: Archispeak makes an appearance on the Business of Architecture Podcast
This is part one of the Archispeak crew on the Business of Architecture Podcast. Part two will be out in the near future.
Enoch Sears:
In this episode I talk with the creators of the wildly successful podcast that “dares to peek under the architectural kimono” and tell us what architecture is really about. Join Neal Pann, Evan Troxel, Cormac Phalen and I as we discuss social media for architects, architect’s websites, and creating good architecture.

This was a fun podcast and it was great to virtually hang out with Enoch (finally!). I love what he's doing with both his site and podcast.
A little more about Enoch:
The goal of his website is to get architects successfully making money online so that they can concentrate on creating great architecture without the pressure of barely scraping by.
His podcast compliments the site and gives real answers to questions every architect looking to start a firm wants to know. My favorite episodes so far have been with Jonathan Segal, FAIA of Architect as Developer fame, and Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income. It's definitely worth subscribing to in iTunes, and I'm happy we were able to be on the podcast amongst other great people who are all helping change the architectural industry for the better.
Give it a listen on iTunes, or watch the Google Plus hangout on the Business of Architecture website.